Category: VST Instruments

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Black Metal Keys

Black Metal Keys Black Metal Keys is a virtual instrument that makes available to you the most…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Meat Beats – Orbhits

Orbhits Orbhits is a E-mu Orbit 9090 rompler. 170 retro hits, stabs, pads and bass sampled from the…

Posted in Piano Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Zumzet Lite

Zumzet Lite Zumzet Lite is a free Lofi sample-based virtual instrument featuring 23 presets such as keys, pads,…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Irony Irony VSTi is a subtractive synthesizer with different oscillators with ADSR envelope, addition of digital arpeggiator….

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

SoundBytes Wusik Station 8

SoundBytes Wusik Station 8 SoundBytes Wusik Station 8 is a virtual instrument rompler from Wusik. It comes with 1 GB…

Posted in Effect Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

EVOX Calypso

EVOX Calypso EVOX Calypso sounds extend to unattainable distances, immersing you in unexpected worlds. The tool includes…

Posted in VST Instruments

Gala SE

Gala SE A free special edition of Gala, based on our clients requests. Gala represents an improved…

Posted in VST Instruments

Darksichord 3 Lite

Darksichord 3 Lite “Darksichord 3 Lite is a Harpsichord virtual instrument plugin for DAWs and other plugin hosts…

Posted in Effect VST Instruments

Zither Renaissance

Zither Renaissance “Zither Renaissance is a virtual instrument based on a damaged plucked zither recording that has been…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Kalei do Synth 64/128

Kalei do Synth 64/128 Application of the “Kaleido principle” to synthesis (see KaleidoSampler, KaleidoTone and KaleidoMass):– one dual main oscillators with PD…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

FocusSynth 36/64

FocusSynth 36/64 The synthesis parameters are very basic, having not even a filter but it can make…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

SpatSynth 3D-32/64/48L

SpatSynth 3D-32/64/48L Monophonic synthesizer with spatial modulations:– 3 VCOs, the first one doesn’t use oversampling, the third…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

M u l t i S y n t h   6 4

M u l t i S y n t h   6 4 It replaces the unique synth…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Asper Asper is an experimental synth combining wave table, subtractive, phase distortion and physical modeling for sound generation. Idea…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Cardinal Modular synth | Synth “Cardinal, the Rack! Cardinal is a free and open-source virtual modular synthesizer…

Posted in Orchestra VST Instruments


ORCHESTOOLS | GENESYN additive | instrument 4 wave generators, basic FM modulation, 3 LFO’s, 3 ENVELOPES, Shaper,…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


2RuleSynth Synth | Synth Analogue/Subtractive “2RuleSynth is a software synthesizer have any classic synthesis techniques – subtractive,…

Posted in VST Instruments

Numa Player

Numa Player “Numa Player is a completely free virtual instrument. It’s not only the perfect companion for your…

Posted in Piano VST Instruments

Atmos 2

Atmos 2 Atmos 2 is a FREE Ambient Piano Plugin instrument for Windows & Mac. The samples of…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Darksichord Darksichord is a free plugin instrument for Windows & Mac. Darksichord featuring a multi-sampled Harpsichord, processed with several layers of…