Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
By Meat Beats Win64 OSX VST AU Orbhits is a E-mu Orbit 9090 rompler. 170 retro hits, stabs, pads and bass…
Motion The basic idea behind this synth, as it’s name suggests, is to offer a wide variety…
MultiSynth 64
MultiSynth 64 It replaces the unique synth module of the UniSynth by up to 32 ones, each of them…
UniSynth 64
UniSynth 64 Just a few buttons to trig each time one unexpected sound (or even nothing…) !Since…
Anima Synth 836/864
Anima Synth 836/864 It can be considered as a kind of pre-patched modular system where each oscillator can have…
Kalei do Synth 64/128
Kalei do Synth 64/128 Application of the “Kaleido principle” to synthesis (see KaleidoSampler, KaleidoTone and KaleidoMass):– one dual main oscillators with PD…
FocusSynth 36/64
FocusSynth 36/64 The synthesis parameters are very basic, having not even a filter but it can make…
SpatSynth 3D-32/64/48L
SpatSynth 3D-32/64/48L Monophonic synthesizer with spatial modulations:– 3 VCOs, the first one doesn’t use oversampling, the third…
MPESynth 564
MPESynth 564 Polyphonic synthesizer with MPE support, for both synthesis parameters and spatial positions:– 5 independant polyphony voices (one…
S p a t S t r u m e n t 2 1 8 / 2 6 4 / 2 4 8 L
S p a t S t r u m e n t 2 1 8 / 2…
AggregaSynth 24/36
AggregaSynth 24/36 It adds to the MultiSynth a ScaleMass processing section that allows to gather all the 24 synth modules into…
Asper Asper is an experimental synth combining wave table, subtractive, phase distortion and physical modeling for sound generation. Idea…
Triple Cheese By U-he
Triple Cheese By U-He Triple Cheese, winner of the 2006 KVR Developer Challenge, is a truly unique…
Triangle II
Triangle II Synth | Synth Analogue/Subtractive Capable of a broad range of sounds, from warm to aggressive,…
Cardinal Modular synth | Synth “Cardinal, the Rack! Cardinal is a free and open-source virtual modular synthesizer…