Author: freevst
Estradion Estradion – 230 is created on base of the classical soviet synthesizer Estradin – 230.A monophonic synthesizer…
Koch Koch is a physically modelled synth. Clean high-pitch notes. Easily sit in the mix. Unlimited polyphony. Visit: Koch
Middi Morphy
Middi Morphy Middi Morphy is a midi preset morpher.This is a little vst tool to interpolate between different…
MidiF MidiF is a very basic midi follower that record and export MIDI data. Controls – click on start to…
Erectifier Doubler/phaser effect plug-in for Windows. Erectifier features – Doubler/phaser effect designed to widen and phatten– LFO controls…
Jackson dj mixing v.1.34
Jackson dj mixing v.1.34 Mixing tracks in Jackson is a 2-step process. – Rhytmically analyze the tracks…
Nootka v1.0.0
Nootka v1.0.0 Nootka is an application to help with teaching and learning classical score notation. This application is…
TapeIt 1
TapeIt 1 Silverspike TapeIt 1 is a VST-Plugin to record audio streams creating wave files in real-time.You can plug…
MIDI Monitor
MIDI Monitor MIDI Monitor is a plugin which shows the incoming MIDI messages.Because some hosts treat instrument- and…
Classic Compressor v.1.17
Classic Compressor v.1.17 Classic Compressor is a classic analog style VST Compressor Plugin with a lot of warmth…
VeloScaler VeloScaler will let you adjust velocities of MIDI notes.You can set a minimum and maximum value, and scale…
Little Funkster
Little Funkster Little Funkster is a monophonic lead synthesizer. Main Osc has 7 waveforms. Osc 2 is a…
Thunder Thunder uses a combination of filtered delay networks and subtractive synthesis to emulate the transmission of sound…
MixPad Multitrack Recording Software
MixPad Multitrack Recording Software MixPad is multi-track mixing software designed for professional audio production. It lets you load or…
Classic Chorus v.1.2
Classic Chorus v.1.2 Classic Chorus is a great sounding and easy to use classical Chorus VST plugin. Nice…
Guitar Tuner
Guitar Tuner “The guitar can tune by ear, is one of the most important skills of a…
MetroGnome MetroGnome is a metronome that plays 2 WAV samples, the hi sound on each first beat, the lo…
10-Band v.1.0
10-Band v.1.0 10-Band! 1.0: Classic Stereo 10-Band Graphic Equalizer: Features: Basic Stereo 10-Band Graphic Equalizer Selectable 24db /…
MBX3 MBX3 is a monophonic bass synthesizer, inspired by the legendary analog monophonic MAM MB33 mkII bass synthesizer.With…