Author: freevst

Posted in MIDI

Spat Omator

Spat Omator – records in real time any two-dimensional gesture, lasting up to 60 seconds– temporal resolution…

Posted in MIDI

Gesturizer M

Gesturizer M Separated version of the Instant Gesture section that can be found in some sample based plugins:– record…

Posted in MIDI

Shape Control 3D

Shape Control 3D Brings the spatial Shapes morphing of the SpatMass series to other 8 inputs plugins that can automate…

Posted in MIDI

Node Control 3D

Node Control 3D Controls 16 parameters at once with a 3D gesture device, from for example a…

Posted in MIDI

Cube Morph M8

Cube Morph M8 MIDI CC emitter with interpolations according to a gesture made in a cubic space….

Posted in Synth Synthesizer

MultiSynth 64

MultiSynth 64 It replaces the unique synth module of the UniSynth by up to 32 ones, each of them…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer

UniSynth 64

UniSynth 64 Just a few buttons to trig each time one unexpected sound (or even nothing…) !Since…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer

Anima Synth 836/864

Anima Synth 836/864 It can be considered as a kind of pre-patched modular system where each oscillator can have…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Kalei do Synth 64/128

Kalei do Synth 64/128 Application of the “Kaleido principle” to synthesis (see KaleidoSampler, KaleidoTone and KaleidoMass):– one dual main oscillators with PD…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

FocusSynth 36/64

FocusSynth 36/64 The synthesis parameters are very basic, having not even a filter but it can make…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

SpatSynth 3D-32/64/48L

SpatSynth 3D-32/64/48L Monophonic synthesizer with spatial modulations:– 3 VCOs, the first one doesn’t use oversampling, the third…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer

MPESynth 564

MPESynth 564 Polyphonic synthesizer with MPE support, for both synthesis parameters and spatial positions:– 5 independant polyphony voices (one…

Posted in Samplers

ARQ Sampler 32 / Block Player 25/Striso Player 61

ARQ Sampler 32 / Block Player 25/Striso Player 61 Special versions of the TouchSampler/Player for Zoom AR-96, Roli LightPad…

Posted in Samplers

Ambi Sampler 1ST

Ambi Sampler 1ST Very simple 4 channels / 1st order ambisonics sampler:– records or load a four…

Posted in Samplers

Multi Sampler 16/32/6 4

Multi Sampler 16/32/6 4 Polyphonic sample players with the usual pitch, filter, sample position and loop points…

Posted in Samplers

Sample Modeler 1636/1664

Sample Modeler 1636/1664 Record an up to 16 channels sample and play it through a combination of…

Posted in Samplers

Room Sampler 64

Room Sampler 64 Instead of spatialize the sample with the usual amplitude technique this plugin uses delays…

Posted in Samplers

Alea Sampler 64

Alea Sampler 64 Like the BrushSampler and other similar plugins, it is based on one mono sample but instead of…

Posted in Samplers

Sample Shaper 16 & 32

Sample Shaper 16 & 32 Record or load a mono sample and transform it to an up…

Posted in Samplers

Simple Stretcher 16

Simple Stretcher 16 Downscaled version of the StretchSampler without the spatialisation, the modulators and the resonator sections, so you can…