UniSynth 64

UniSynth 64

Just a few buttons to trig each time one unexpected sound (or even nothing…) !
Since it is based on random generators, except when small variations are selected, it is generally not possible to predict what will happend, but once you have something you like, you can tweak the parameters and use the Resonator section to accumulate and sculpt the sound on 64 channels that are then compacted or dispatched on 1 to 64 outputs.
At its minimum value, the DecoRez also acts as a big 64 channels “unison”, and the Dispatcher can be used to move a range of channels accross a series of outputs, allowing to do impressive spatial drawings 😉
You can bypass partially or completely the spatialization section to process it with another plugin, like the Scatterizer.

Visit: UniSynth 64

Author: freevst

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