Podium Free
Podium is a modern production host that integrates audio recording, VST plug-ins and external MIDI and audio gear. An…
Quartz AudioMaster v.4.6
805 Views Quartz AudioMaster Freeware, as its name suggests, is FREE ! It’s the best way to try the…
OuraPhat LE
OuraPhat LE OuraPhat LE is a sound phattener unit. Valve Drive. Stereo Ensemble. Moog LP and HP Filters. Soft…
Grease Tube
Grease Tube Grease Tube is a tube amplifier simulation. Drive Gain Presence Distortion shaper Mic placement
Ferox Ferox is a tape saturation modeller. It has separate controls for saturation and hysteresis effects. Feedback with variable…
SoftAmp 3OD
SoftAmp 3OD AXP SoftAmp 3OD is a vacuum triode stage simulator. A single triode stage circuit typical for…
RS Twisted Tube
RS Twisted Tube RS Twisted Tube VST is a tube emulator with a different sound giving a little bit…
VeeSatEQ is a combination of EQ filters, distortion, tube saturation and a limiter. It is used to change/colour/saturate…
WOW & FLUTTER A VST plug-in which emulates theplayback speed imperfectionsof the pre-digital era. playback speed is…
TS-1 TS-1 is a tape master simulator and filter. Input Adjust Level Control. Saturation Level Control. Bass Compensation Control….
Bonch-Bruevich Bonch-Bruevich is a tube stageemulation. It is named after M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (1888-1940), a russian tube and…
Mystique Mystique is a tape machinesimulator. It was designed for real time processing and zero-latency, ideal for live…
Sender Spike – SN03
Input gain +/- 24dB. Output gain +/- 24dB. NAB, IEC (15 IPS), AES (30 IPS) EQ modes….
Caelum Audio – Tape Cassette
Caelum Audio – Tape Cassette Tape Cassette is an analog tape simulator. It is an easy to use…
Accentize – PreFET
Accentize – PreFET PreFET is a transistor pre-amp emulation. It is a Machine-Learning based transistor pre-amp emulation. The artificial neural…
VOCRIDER VOCRIDER is a sidechain automatic level rider for vocal tracks. Bypass. Meters on/off. Ride enhance knob. Output level…