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basic 65


basic 65

basic 65 is a monophonic synth, inspired by the classic 80s home computer, the Commodore 64 and its legendary SID chip. Building on the waveforms and signal path of this famous chip, basic 65 adds further features and options to take things a step further.
The double arpeggiator allows complex versions of that retro 8-bit game sound and the modulation options inspire experimentation via the mod envelope and 2 comprehensive LFOs. Pulse width modulation, ring modulation and oscillator detune/sync are key ingredients in the signature sound. Throw in some pitch drift, bit drift, a sprinkle of dirt and randomisation and you have a wide range of lofi, chiptune, retro-tastic sounds at your disposal.

  • Monophonic synth in VST format for Windows based hosts.
  • 3 oscillators with pulse, saw, triangle and noise waveforms.
  • Each oscillator can be sync’d to another and/or ring modulated by another.
  • Resonant filter with low pass, high pass, band pass and notch modes.
  • 2 tempo-sync Arpeggiators in series for complex arp sounds.
  • Modulation envelope can control pulse width and pitch of individual oscillators as well as filter and dirt.
  • 2 tempo-sync LFOs with wide range of waveforms, including random.
  • Both LFOs can control pulse width and pitch of individual oscillators.
  • One LFO also controls filter and dirt, the other can modulate the depth and speed of the first LFO.
  • Pitch drift models instability with variable depth and frequency.
  • Options for 4, 6, 8, 12 or 16 bit audio with randomising feature.
  • Developed with SE 1.1, so no problems with multiple instances.
  • 128 presets by sink covering arps, leads, bass, drums and lofi sounds.

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