Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
Kick me too
Kick me too Kick me too has 5 drum synths. Phase Mod H-limit,cutoff Sine and triangle noise waves…
NitrousPD NitrousPD is a Phase Distortion synth with a full subtractive signal path and a wealth of modulation options.Its…
metamorph metamorph is a waveform morphing synth with a bunch of envelopes, LFOs and onboard effects to guarantee movement…
Estradion Estradion – 230 is created on base of the classical soviet synthesizer Estradin – 230.A monophonic synthesizer…
Koch Koch is a physically modelled synth. Clean high-pitch notes. Easily sit in the mix. Unlimited polyphony. Visit: Koch
Little Funkster
Little Funkster Little Funkster is a monophonic lead synthesizer. Main Osc has 7 waveforms. Osc 2 is a…
Thunder Thunder uses a combination of filtered delay networks and subtractive synthesis to emulate the transmission of sound…
MBX3 MBX3 is a monophonic bass synthesizer, inspired by the legendary analog monophonic MAM MB33 mkII bass synthesizer.With…
The Shepherd
The Shepherd Kill Bill has a tune in its soundtrack by Ennio Morricone featuring a haunting and evocative…
Monolisa Monolisa, a free monophonic VA synth. VCO: Osc1: Saw and Square PWM (Osc1 Square). Mode: Manual, Envelope…
DS 7
DS 7 GTG DS 7 : Drumsynth.Alternative to FreeDrum. This one has a much improved sound, more punch…
MVb MVb, the basic bassline.A basic monophonic bassline switchable to polyphonic. Easy to work and with up to…
101drums Vsti Drum Plug-In Individual Filter Effect unit on each Instrument Frequency Analyzer
T1 Audible Tuner
T1 Audible Tuner T1 Audible Tuner provides a fastreference for tuning via an audio signal. Preset tunings for…
ritual ritual is an analog style bass synthesizer that uses several unique techiques to create a thick & rich…
Voltaire Voltaire is a simple 1 OSC (saw/sq) monosynth.It made for making old school acid basslines.
MoarF MoarF is a morphing synthesizer. perpetual sound morph chord recognition bassline and arp direct edit midiprocessor option
Isis Isis is a multiwave synthesizer. 2 Oscillators with 64 Waves each. Keyboard control of oscillator waves can…
field field is a multisample based ambience generator. using original field recordings.field allows you to generate suitable backing…
Anawave Anawave is a hybrid analog/wavetable synth.The waveform oscillators allow you to draw, import, and export waveforms. I…