Category: Master
Mastering (audio)
Mastering, a form of audio post production, is the process of preparing and transferring recorded audio from a source containing the final mix to a data storage device (the master), the source from which all copies will be produced (via methods such as pressing, duplication or replication). In recent years digital masters have become usual, although analog masters—such as audio tapes—are still being used by the manufacturing industry, particularly by a few engineers who specialize in analog mastering.
MakeItLoud Welcome to MakeItLoud, the innovative new plugin from DirektDSP designed specifically for sound designers and mixing…
YS Velvet Box
YS Velvet Box YS Velvet Box is a compact plugin for sound processing, can be used both…
Convergence Introducing the ultimate mastering tool. This versatile mastering compressor can handle even the most dynamic of…
RealSpread 64
RealSpread 64 RealSpread 64 is an Audio Plugin (VST 64 bit) which “Stereoizes” a mono audio signal or…
Wavegrove Vastaus
Wavegrove Vastaus Vastaus lives on instrument channels, buses and it is known to have been spotted on…
Mike Milani – FET Limiter
FET Limiter FET-Limiter is a limiter designed for mastering.
Variety Of Sound – preFIX
preFIX preFIX is a pre-mixing and audio alignment tool which typically takes place upfront the mixing process. It provides a…
Blue Lab Audio – Chroma
Chroma Chroma is a chromagram visualization plugin. It displays information about musical notes contained in a musical sound. It…
Blue Lab Audio – Impulses
Impulses Impulses is an IR processor that can capture the acoustic characteristics of a place then applies them to…
DSPplug – Titan limiter
Titan limiter Titan limiter. It reduces distortion and it sounds good in a live or editing environment. It’s…
Mid-Side Signal Processor
Mid-Side Signal Processor Terry West’s latest plug-in is a free MS mastering processor.It is a plug-in designed for…