Modul 8
Modul 8 is a dual LFO stereo chorus.
It is inspired by multiple Japanese stomp-boxes well known for their unique sound and approach to modulation.The resulting modulation is a combination of two LFOs scaled according to their respective modulation width, which results in almost endless number of rhythmic variations in the modulation pattern.
- Two independent LFOs with on/off switches and adjustable speed and width (LFO A oscillates at 0.8 Hz to 8 Hz, and LFO B oscillates at 0.3 Hz to 3 Hz).
- Feedback control that sets the amount of flanging.
- Optional filtering and adjustable drive of modulated signal.
- Phase invert on R channel for wide stereo (mono incompatible).
- LFO mute “kill-switch” for musical phrasing.
- Separate wet and dry controls.
Visit: Modul 8