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Seeq One

Seeqone 3
SeeqOne 3

Seeq One

Seeq One uses 5 sequencers to shape the sounds.

  • 1 sequencer is for “Notes and Octaves” but can also be used for filter, Pulse Width, resonance or Phase modulation.
  • 2 sequencers are used as envelope decays mainly for cutoff and oscillator pitch but also for pulse width and phasemod or resonance.
  • 1 “normal” sequencer (no decay fx) can also be used for the same destinations.
  • Gate sequencer with mix option.
  • 3 oscillators (sine/saw/ramp/pulse/triangle) – octave/note and fine tune for all of them.
  • 5 filters – low/hi/band/4pole/8pole – and a filter envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain and Level.
  • An extra oscillator for FM/PM/PW.
  • 2 LFOs.
  • 2 decay FX.
  • Left and right delay.
  • Glide.
  • Soft distortion.
  • 64 presets.

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