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Miscellaneous Information

Ragnarök is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST) and macOS (VST/AU) simulating a custom-built one-of-a-kind analog synthesizer from 1980. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption.

Ragnarök is the collaborative work of Hans Peter aka CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin (synth concept, GUI design, user manual, patch programming) and Björn aka Full Bucket (DSP+GUI+patch programming). Read more about the background of this project in the user manual and in the respective KVR thread.

The main features of Ragnarök are:

  • Up to 64 voices polyphony including portamento.
  • Unique 3+1 band-limited oscillator bank – up to four oscillators per voice.
  • Additional white noise generator.
  • Multi-pole filter (6–12–18–24 dB/Oct low-pass or high-pass) with resonance.
  • Two envelopes (ADSR or AD) with exponential slopes.
  • Low frequency oscillator.
  • Built-in Overdrive effect and 7 band graphic equalizer.
  • Cool repeat/pseudo arpeggiator functionality.
  • Double precision audio processing.
  • All parameters can be controlled by MIDI controllers.
  • Exchangeable graphics (for individual skinning).
  • Plug-in supports Windows and macOS (32-bit and 64-bit).

Here is Hans Peter’s KVR OSC submission featuring Ragnarök:

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