P5 Keyboard
A virtual “keyboard” for the P5 Glove! It requires Ross’s P5GloveMIDI program Bencina (attached in the archive) and a MIDI Router.
– receives the coordinates X, X, Z as well as the curvature of the five fingers
– independent triggering of five notes according to the curvature of the four fingers and from the vertical position
– center note, pitch range, channel and program settings for every note
– visualization of the note played on the five central octaves
– single trigger or with repetition
– modulation of the repetition rate according to the spatial position, with the thumb or according to the curvature of the finger
– velocity according to the trigger speed or the position
– the thumb can be used as a controller, as a sustain, or to change the patch (currently not very reliable)
– transformation of the three axes: choice of ten curves, inversion, change of scale, inertia
Visit: P5 Keyboard