HBC (Hybrid Bus Compressor) is a bus compressor suite for stereo and 5.1 mixing.
HBC-5 is a 5.1 channel compatible compressor plugin. It uses both peak and RMS detection simultaneously, which produces a pleasing sound characteristics.
HBC-2 is a stereo compressor and has an additional M-S processing capability.
- Adjustable mixture between peak & RMS detectors.
- The RMS window size is controlled by the release time, but can be overriden by the “RMS Time” slider.
- Smart release time control. Helps keeping the compression seamless with long release times.
- HBC-5: SMPTE ITU/FILM switch for alternative channel order.
- HBC-2: M-S mode compresses mid-side information instead of left-right.
- HBC-2: Channel link adjusts the amount of compression interaction between L-R or M-S.
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