FreeG Fader
Download FreeG (Compressor/Limiter)
Windows/VST (32/64) – Mac/AudioUnit(32/64)/VST (32/64)
“FreeG is a Gain / Fader plug-in that can be used for a variety of applications to increase the control and flexibility of the signal flow in the insert chain of the host – FreeG provides extensive, customizable metering features and settings.
Main controls:
- The meter displays a current indication of signal level. The main display is a classic Peak-type level meter, which follows the signal in accordance with the metering type selected on the Preferences panel. The superposed red bar displays the current instantaneous signal RMS.
- Selecting ‘Pre’ switches the fader to display the pre-fader, pre-pan, pretrim input signal.
- The fader is the main plug-in control, and allows you to adjust the level of the incoming signal.
- PEAK: This box, and the red arrows on the meter, displays the current highest peak value recorded (using the metering law configured on the Preferences panel). Click boxes to reset.
- RMS: This box, and the yellow arrows on the meter, displays the current highest instantaneous RMS value recorded. Click the boxes to reset.
- The Trim dial provides a course input level adjustment. The Trim range can be configured using the preferences panel.
- The Pan dial allows a stereo signal to be panned to the left or to the right. The Pan law is configured using the preferences panel.
- The Flip Phase button inverts the phase of the signal, for mixing applications.
- The Bypass button provides a soft-bypass for the plug-in.
- The Mute button will mute the signal.
- Fine mode allows for an alternate method of fine-calibration of the fader. When the fader is set approximately, pressing ‘Fine’ will ‘zoom in’ on the fader, and offer a linear-law fader, which you can adjust with greater accuracy. The range of the Fine scale can be configured in the Preferences panel.”
Visit: FreeG Fader