Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
Moppeltron Moppeltron is a morphing synthesizer which employs the Discrete-Summation Formulae (DSF) synthesis technique proposed by James A. Moorer….
easy-joy o1
easy-joy o1 Easy-joy o1 is a joystick controlled synth. 4 Osci-synth with multifilter joy-mixer joy-adsr and much more…
FB-7999 FB-7999 simulates the KORG DW-6000 and DW-8000 synthesizers from the 1980s. It is written in native C++ code…
Furious Furious is a hybrid step seq bass synthesizer with sync, FM and RM. 2 oscillators with 16 raw…
Raspier Raspier is a bass synthetizer.E-bass, acoustic sound, leads, slap and ring tones… Uses modulation from the phase…
BIGROOMKIX SYNTH BIGROOMKIX SYNTH is specifically created for making Kick Drums and Bass Drums. It uses no samples…
Synthetic Synthetic is a 4 osc analog synth. Group Oscillator System: Synthetic’s oscillator system is made up of…
Quilcom – PMS
PMS PMS is a physical modelling synthesiser designed to enable the user to explore details and behaviour of several…
Quilcom – Vectomorph
Rate this Vectomorph allows the exploration of synthesis using vector oscillators. This oscillator waveform is made up from…
Quilcom – Caster
Caster Caster is a granular synthesisersynthesiser.Caster allows an adjustable grain cloud of up to 24 grains per note…
Quilcom – Harvester
Harvester Harvester is a polyphonic granular synthesiser. It is capable of taking any sound clip as a wav…
Ocean Swift Synthesis – Polyphenom 2
Polyphenom 2 Polyphenom 2 is a truly hybrid polyphonic synthesizer exploring additive, wavetable, subtractive and fm synthesis – with…
Fanan Team – Majoris Free
Majoris Free Majoris Free is a unique synth based arranger that can enhance creativity and help songwriters and composers…
Tapeotronic is a mellotron tape keyboard emulation. Flute, string and choirs sounds. 16 patches. Knob for bias tape sfx. MIDI learn …
Fellusive – Nettle
Nettle Nettle explores the unique and relatively under-explored world of scanned synthesis.The timbre of the sounds you create…
HG Fortune – Umbra Free
Umbra Free Umbra Free is basically a Waveset of 128 complex waveforms as SF2 plus a specially designed VSTi…
Quilcom – Blender 2
Blender 2 Blender 2 was made to explore the possibilities of dynamic waveform morphing (crossfading). You can mix between…
Ocean Swift Synthesis – OSS Enterprise
OSS Enterprise OSS Enterprise is a hybrid synthesizer exploring vector, additive, subtractive & wavetable synthesis. Enterprise is multifaceted instrument…
VisareTone – Style ORGAN SYNTH Plus
Style ORGAN SYNTH Plus is an organ / synthesizer hybrid instrument. Nine Standard Drawbars /switch Unisono. Adjustable Key Click…