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Category: Synth

Xoxos Virtualmachine 3

Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine Virtual Machine is a commuted synthesis model for emulating engines and other cyclic mechanical sounds. Visit: Virtual Machine

Anubis 3

Anubis 2

Anubis 2 Anubis 2 is a hybrid synthesizer using subtractive, FM and additive synthesis. 32 voices polyphonic. Unison up to 8 voices. Same waveforms as Dionysos with…

Joker 3


Joker Joker is an u-he ACE emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming to sound accurate to the original synth. No…

Entropy 2


entropy entropy is a 3 osc subtractive synth with a set of pitch randomising options to generate melodies all on it’s own. Change pitch of each oscillator…

Neurobot 3


Neurobot Neurobot is a very simple bass synthesizer.This plugin is designed on phase distortion oscillation, counts with Amp Envelope, Modulation Envelope and Filter Envelope. Simple based…

Ivor 3


IVOR IVOR (Microtonal Virtual Analog Synthesizer) is a subtractive synthesizer designed for microtonal and xenharmonic music.It is a two-oscillator subtractive synthesizer that features full-controller MIDI Pitch…

Maxsynths Galileo 3


Galileo Galileo is a dual osc subtractive synthesizer. I used this synth in a lot of my songs for years and I’m very happy with it.…