Category: Pitch

Pitch is a perceptual property of sounds that allows their ordering on a frequency-related scale,[1] or more commonly, pitch is the quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as “higher” and “lower” in the sense associated with musical melodies.[2] Pitch can be determined only in sounds that have a frequency that is clear and stable enough to distinguish from noise.[3] Pitch is a major auditory attribute of musical tones, along with duration, loudness, and timbre.[4]

Posted in EQ Pitch

Pitch Tracking EQ

Pitch Tracking EQ Pitch Tracking EQ analyzes input or side chain signal and set the filter frequency…

Posted in Pitch Vocal Plugins

Vocal Pitch Shifter

Vocal Pitch Shifter Vocal Pitch Shifter is designed to change the pitch of a vocal in a range…

Posted in Delay / Echo Pitch


PitchShiftDelay Information Introduction PitchShiftDelay is a time domain pitch shifter based on usual delay. The quirk of…

Posted in Pitch


MXTune mutex is a pitch correction plugin. The pitch correction algorithm is based on Autotalent and Soundtouchsupport…

Posted in Effect Pitch

Pitch Drift

Pitch Drift introduces pitch fluctuations to make your tracks feel more organic and natural.

Posted in Pitch Samplers

S c a l e S a m p l e r   8 6 4

S c a l e S a m p l e r   8 6 4 Eight channels…

Posted in Pitch Signal


Stratum Stratum creates unison effect with full control of each voice amplitude and stereo position, create stereo…

Posted in Pitch


CVoice1  CVoice1 – Simple Pitch Modulation CVoice1 is a simple pitch modulation plugin that allows you to…

Posted in Audio Tools Pitch


DruModifier_P Audio Tool | Pitch shifter “This toy allows you to change the pitch of drum instruments…

Posted in Pitch

KeroVee Autotune

Classic autotune / pitch correction plugin KeroVee is a free autotune / pitch correction plugin by g200kg….

Posted in Effect Pitch Signal

Stempel Spectral Vocoder v.1.0

Stempel Spectral Vocoder v.1.0 Stempel, spectral vocoder VST effect plug-in for Windows. Contrary to many other vocoder, it’s not…

Posted in Pitch Signal

Quilcom Dalek

Quilcom Dalek The Quilcom Dalek is a voice-changer I made for a bit of fun! The original Dalek voice…

Posted in Effect Pitch Signal

Audio Damage – Discord3

Discord3 Discord3 is a model of the first mass-produced pitch-shifter, which was a studio standard found in control…

Posted in Effect Pitch


dSHIFT dSHIFT is a feedback pitchshifter

Posted in Effect Pitch

ToneCarver – tcStretch

tcStretch tcStretch is allows time stretching, pitch shifting, and blurring. Time stretch can be up to 1 million…

Posted in Choir Pitch String


Nanotron is a recreation of the Mellotron/Novatron that I owned through the 80’s. The voices were recorded on a…

Posted in Pitch Signal

Maschinenmusik – MM FX 11 Filtshiftrev

MM FX 11 Filtshiftrev MM FX 11 Filtshiftrev is a sequenced pitch shifter / filter. The input signal…

Posted in Pitch Signal

Maschinenmusik – MM FX 04 VOCODA

MM FX 04 VOCODA MM FX 04 VOCODA is a vst effect somewhat similar to a vocoder. The…

Posted in Pitch Signal

Stone Voices – Vocal Pitch Shifter

Vocal Pitch Shifter Vocal Pitch Shifter is designed to change the pitch of a vocal in a range of…

Posted in Pitch Signal


RoVee RoVee is a VoiceChanger / formant tweaking that can convert voices to like male, female, toys or robotic.Rovee…