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Category: MIDI


MIDI (/ˈmɪdi/; an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a technical standard that describes a communications protocol, digital interface, and electrical connectors that connect a wide variety of electronic musical instruments, computers, and related audio devices for playing, editing and recording music.[1] The specification originates in a paper titled Universal Synthesizer Interface, published by Dave Smith and Chet Wood, then of Sequential Circuits, at the October 1981 Audio Engineering Society conference in New York City.[2]

Gt Ccseq 3

CC Sequencer

CC Sequencer CC Sequencer transmits midi control change (CC) data. Think of CC Sequencer as an external LFO, but instead of using regular waveforms such as…

Midikeyswitcher 3


MidiKeySwitcher MidiKeySwitcher defines 2-key switches to select a MIDI Channel and send MIDI Messages to select Programs and Banks / SubBanks from a MIDI keyboard set to…

Ntocc 2


N2CC N2CC converts the velocity or pitch of MIDI notes  to MIDI CC controller values within a pre-defined range.This allows you to create some unconventional MIDI effects…

Cales 3


Cales Cales allows you to map your keyboard’s keys to a musical scale.This will ensure that you will always stay in key, and never hit a…

Tap 2


Tap Tapped BPM calculated from a 4 tap average. Midi Channel Selection. Mouse, Midi Controller or MIDI Note Operation. Fine BPM Adjustment Controls Host Tempo Update (Host…

Arp4midi 2


Arp4midi arp4MIDI is an arpeggiator with contemporary synchronization functions.arp4MIDI includes arpeggiate and phrase modes and a 16 step sequencer assignable to gate or arpeggiator step. gate offset…

Gt Randomiser 2


Randomiser Randomiser generates MIDI Control Change from MIDI notes.Every time the Randomiser receives a MIDI note event, it will transmit two MIDI CC events, their values…



MbiraGen MbiraGen is a semi-generative sequencer plugin that produces MIDI notes. It is based on a sequence of up to 12 “melodies”. Each melody can have up…