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Spread the love MilkyTracker v.0.9.85 MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay…
Spread the love MicroTuner MicroTuner adds microtuning capabilities to every VSTi and external synthesizer module, as long as the target synth supports receiving pitchbend on all MIDI channels.I…
Spread the love 4 4SharesHumanisator Humanisator works as some kind of anti-quantizer, bringing more human feel into sequenced notes. You can define how much and in what range…
Spread the love PeakFreak PeakFreak is a plugin that converts audio input that falls into a certain frequency and amplitude range into midi notes of a certain length.This…
Spread the love Guitar Guru v.2.2.5 WHAT IS GUITAR GURU?Guitar Guru provides interactive song sessions designed to help you learn guitar and teach you how to…
Spread the love 2 2Shares Apps BandLab – Music Making StudioBandLab Technologies n-Track Studio DAW: Make Musicn-Track Voloco: Auto Vocal Tune StudioRESONANT CAVITY Recording Studio Pro PlusGlauco…
Spread the love PDP2MIDI PDP2MIDI is a drum pad to MIDI trigger. It is designed to be used with a piezo type drum pad plugged directly into your soundcard.PDP2MIDI…