BItterSweet II
“Turning the central button to the sweet side decreases the transients amplitude. To the bitter side, the transients amplitude is magnified. BitterSweet also features a control for processing the signal. When the main position is selected, the process affects the stereo signal. If Center is selected, only the M signal of the internal MS matrix is processed. If stereo is selected, only the S signal from the MS matrix is processed. Three transient detection modes can be selected. Varying periods of integration for transients can be accessed. A Link function is available to compensate the output gain with respect to the transient processing setting.
Like all Flux:: plug-ins, it features 64 bit floating point processing, up to 8 channels and up to 8 FS (384 KHz). Center and Stereo Modes are only available in stereo processing (2 channels).
Signal Processing Features
- Output Gain, controlling the gain at the end of the processing.
- Bypass routes the incoming signal direct to the output for a true smooth transition between processed and clean signal.
- Three different transient processing modes:
- Main, using a regular stereo signal scheme for the processing.
- Center, processing the Mid channel only, very efficient for snare and kick drums.
- Stereo, processing the Side channel only, very efficient for panned rhythmic/transient instruments.
Processing Specifications
BitterSweet, as all Flux:: plug-ins, provide
- Up to 8 channels Input/Output.*
- 64-bits internal floating point processing.
- Sampling rate up to 384 kHz DXD (Pyramix DSP based).
- Sampling rate up to 384 kHz for native (AU/RTAS/VST).
*Not when using Center and Stereo mode, as they are M/S modes requiring stereo operation.
All major native formats are supported
- Windows – XP, Vista, 7 all in both 32 and 64 bits.
- VST (2.4)
- Mac OS X (Intel) – 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 in 32 bits.
- VST (2.4)
- AU
*The RTAS version requires ProTools 8 or later.”
Visit: BItterSweet II