Author: freevst

Posted in Ambient Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Sophia Sophia VSTI is a unique virtual synthesizer that excels in creating intriguing ambiences and modulated sound effects.

Posted in Mastering Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Foxglove Foxglove is a monosynth featuring a waveshaping section which can be modulated by the internal envelope generators and…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Oscine Tract

Oscine Tract Oscine Tract VST models the songbird vocal tract, also known as the syrinx. Visit: Oscine Tract

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Czar Czar is an exercise in Phase Distortion synthesis.This use 2 PD OSC’s, each with its own envs…

Posted in EQ Frequency


DQ65 DQ65 is a dynamic parametric equalizer.It has two gain controls per filter – one for high levels…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


MetroBus MetroBus is a simple metronome plug-in that detects the host’s BPM tempo.This plug-in is handy on  to send…

Posted in Effect Reverb


Spring Spring is a 4-section waveguide with proprietary spring reverb algorithm. Visit: Spring

Posted in Monophonic Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


monomate monomate is a monophonic synth designed to create retro sounding basslines and shrill leads.Features a phase adjustable wave…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


INTRO INTRO is a stereo wavetable synth, using waforms and oscillators. Mono/polyphonic (6 voices) 4 Oscillators, 64 built-in…

Posted in Effect EQ Frequency

Dust Equalizer

Dust Equalizer Dust Equalizer is a basic channel equalizer, designed with the concept of less is more.It comes…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Harsh Digital Nose

Harsh Digital Nose Harsh Digital Nose converts 2 images into 2 oscillator waveforms and then mixes them in various…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Frankenstein2 Frankenstein’s experimental synth ! head=formant synth with waveshaping body=6 op fm synth with multipliers heart=5 osc synth with…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Borderliner Borderliner is an attempt to break away from the normal synths available, providing you with a…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Throat Singing

Throat Singing Throat singing is a type of overtone singing in which a singer manipulates the harmonic resonances created…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments


Friction The friction algorithm is combined with a 2nd order mass-spring and two waveguide resonances for flexible emulative…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


DumBass DumBass is a powerful synthesizer based on a SuperSaw engine. It contains around 5% capabilities/features of it’s…

Posted in Chorus Effect Modulator

Chorus +

Chorus + Chorus + is that sort of dense and harmonically rich chorus that you are very…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer VST Instruments

Hi-NRG Zone Retro LE

Hi-NRG Zone Retro LE Hi-NRG Zone Retro LE is a 3 multi-oscillator synthesizer. It is designed to allow easy…

Posted in Modular Synth VST Instruments


Damatriks Damatriks is a classic modular synthesizer system inspired by the modular analog synths.With many different modules in place,…

Posted in Effect Modulator


Phazor Phazor is a free effect plugin, which emulates the phaser effect found in the Virus synthesizers, which…