Kalei do Synth 64/128 Application of the “Kaleido principle” to synthesis (see KaleidoSampler, KaleidoTone and KaleidoMass):– one dual main oscillators with PD synthesis– one modulation oscillators for FM– granular like…
FocusSynth 36/64 The synthesis parameters are very basic, having not even a filter but it can make interesting “additive” spatial textures, like with 36 or…
SpatSynth 3D-32/64/48L Monophonic synthesizer with spatial modulations:– 3 VCOs, the first one doesn’t use oversampling, the third one is based on Phase Distorsion synthesis– FM and…
MPESynth 564 Polyphonic synthesizer with MPE support, for both synthesis parameters and spatial positions:– 5 independant polyphony voices (one for each finger …)– full Spat3D spatial mass section compatible…
ARQ Sampler 32 / Block Player 25/Striso Player 61 Special versions of the TouchSampler/Player for Zoom AR-96, Roli LightPad Block and Striso Board controllers.The Polyphonic Aftertouch sensors…
Ambi Sampler 1ST Very simple 4 channels / 1st order ambisonics sampler:– records or load a four channels sound– B-format sound: it must be followed…
Multi Sampler 16/32/6 4 Polyphonic sample players with the usual pitch, filter, sample position and loop points modulations and variable rate Trigger mode:– record up to…
Sample Modeler 1636/1664 Record an up to 16 channels sample and play it through a combination of a 16 channels Pitch Shifter, a wide range…
Room Sampler 64 Instead of spatialize the sample with the usual amplitude technique this plugin uses delays and Low-Pass filters together with a multichannel reverberation…
Alea Sampler 64 Like the BrushSampler and other similar plugins, it is based on one mono sample but instead of spatializing it, each of its 128 polyphony voices…