The Dreammachine
The concept of The Dreammachine is based on three synth layers with slow wave sequencing and sound modulations.
Version 3 of The Dreammachine has gone polyphonic now and can be used as a synth too, so there are three basic ways to play the machine:
- Using the inbuilt Note sequencer and, if you like, play along.
- Hold a note and if you like play along or edit.
- Play the machine as 16-voice synthesizer with max. 6 oscs on one key.
In addition you can manually advance each part using MIDI keys/notes #24, #26, #28 and #29 plus #35 to advance synth parts simultaneously. As the Note sequencer is hard-linked to the Bottom/Low Part this one will be advanced too.
There are three parts: Bottom/Low (or Bass), Back/Mid (or Pad) and Sparkle/High for three basic layers of sound plus a OneShot part to throw in some additional highlights such as vocal phrases, percussive sounds or Sfx. Each part has got a 16-step sequencer for waveforms to be played in succession with the One Shot part having 32 steps. The Note sequencer has an option to play duophonic by adding a 2nd note (selectable in 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 semitones up). Also, Back/Mid and Sparkle Parts can be set in semitones from -12 to +12. This provides a very flexible means to set up sophisticated complex sound layers.
For convenience, the wave names are not only displayed at each seq step but also selectable from popup menus showing the names.