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Tag: filter – Strum

Strum Strum is Karplus-Strong string synth, written completely in assembly. Two different and independent string generators for more variety of sounds, with own feedback, string length,…


Drum8 “Drum8 is a free drum plugin (sample-based ROMpler) for DAWs and other plugin host software running on Windows and macOS. Drum8 is a collaboration…


Altair 4

Altair 4 – The SciFi Sounds Lab is best suited for creating soundtracks for movies or games in the genres of SciFi, Suspense, Horror, Fantasy and similar,…



Guitar Controlled Bass Synth.Designed as a bass synth, can also be used for many different synth and percussion sounds. Phase distortion oscillator, two wave selectors with…



ToneLib-GFX is a collection of guitar amps, speaker cabinets and effects.The Tonelib-GFX also supports 3rd party impulse responses (IRs), offering even greater tonal flexibility.The really special…


easy-V-syn o1

Easy-V-syn o1 is a vintage wavetable synth. 4 Oscilators 2 x 34 waves 2 x 5 waves lp-bp-filter drive doubledelay Pulsemodulation Visit: Easy-V-Syn O1


Baby Piano

Baby Piano Free VSTi made by Jason Morin with the Maize Sampler. Contains the natural samples of my Baby Piano free sample set.The Baby Piano is…


4ormulator Vocoder

4ormulator Vocoder: Pitch-augmentation, sympathetic drones, re-synthesis, formant effects, voice disguisers, multi-band ring modulation, vocoder effects, robot voices, talking instruments, sub-harmonic bass generation, sci-fi effects, and many…