Tag: distortion

Posted in Amp

Whamdrive Distortion

Whamdrive Distortion is a guitar pitch shifter with distortion. Stompbox design. Real-time, low latency processing for live performances….

Posted in Distortion

Anaesthesia Distortion

Anaesthesia Distortion is a distortion effect with a shapeable filter. Distortion, filter/shaper and limiter, Digital and tube distortion…

Posted in Distortion

Tarabia Distortion

Tarabia Distortion Tarabia Distortion is a distortion effect that destroy nicely your sounds.Kicks becomes DnB Kicks, Snares becomes very…

Posted in Distortion

Contrast Distortion

Contrast Distortion is a digital distortion.It is designed to heavily distort soundwaves with a variety of parameters, and…