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Tag: delay – Strum

Strum Strum is Karplus-Strong string synth, written completely in assembly. Two different and independent string generators for more variety of sounds, with own feedback, string length,…


EXE Consulting – TinyComp

TinyComp is a compressor pedal  featuring expansion, limiting, and gate modes.   Has sidechain capability for ducking compression from sidechain signal, and sidechain signal can be…


4ormulator Vocoder

4ormulator Vocoder: Pitch-augmentation, sympathetic drones, re-synthesis, formant effects, voice disguisers, multi-band ring modulation, vocoder effects, robot voices, talking instruments, sub-harmonic bass generation, sci-fi effects, and many…



Autotalent This is a VST/AU port of Tom Baran’s open source pitch correction LADSPA plug-in.All credit goes to Tom for the algorithm. At the moment it…