Tag: delay
zOne.sk – Strum
Strum Strum is Karplus-Strong string synth, written completely in assembly. Two different and independent string generators for more…
EXE Consulting – TinyComp
TinyComp is a compressor pedal featuring expansion, limiting, and gate modes. Has sidechain capability for ducking compression…
lostin70s – Live Pedalboard
Live Pedalboard is a guitar rig stompbox. Distortions, overdrives, fuzz, delay, compressor, chorus, tremolo, reverb, … Up to…
4ormulator Vocoder
4ormulator Vocoder: Pitch-augmentation, sympathetic drones, re-synthesis, formant effects, voice disguisers, multi-band ring modulation, vocoder effects, robot voices, talking…
Autotalent This is a VST/AU port of Tom Baran’s open source pitch correction LADSPA plug-in.All credit goes to…
Yuri Semenov – Delay
Delay is capable to produce delay, reverb, autopan and doubler effects while handling mid-side processing. Visit: Delay
Classic Delay v.1.03
The Classic Delay emulates three of the most commonly used delays / echo sounds types: Tape, Analog, and Digital,…
Sound Delay v.1.7
Sound Delay is an auxiliary multi-channel signal delaying plug-in. In Sound Delay, you may specify delay time in…
Brigade Delay
Brigade Delay simulates the functionality and sound of classic analog delays.It is written in native C++ code for…
Delay Lama
Delay Lama Delay Lama makes your computer sound and look like a singing Tibetan monk. Delay Lama…
Rhythmic Metalisation Delay v.1.01
A fairly simple delay plugin which also has a ‘Rhythmic Mode’. Basically this alters the delay time in…
Kiesel free delay v.1.0
Kiesel Free Delay 1 is the delay effect from Helga as an individual plugin. The delay time can…
Big Blue Delay
Big Blue Delay is a multi-delay.As usual, currently this is Windows PC only 4 Stereo delay modules with…
Odd Odo Delay
Odd Odo Delay is a dual-channel BPM syncable delay with resonant filter. Separate left & right delay. Depth, feedback,…
Bionic Supa Delay
Bionic Supa Delay is a vintage tape delay unit with filter, pitch shift and reverb sections.Tape delay section: High…
Leet Delay
Leet Delay 2 is a delay with character. Option to sync with host tempo. Delay time 0-4000ms. Ping Pong…
Delay Studio
Delay Studio from Minimal System Instruments is a powerful and massively creative multiband delay plugin which gives you all…
Delay Box
Delay Box Delay box is a analog / digital style delay plug-in. Features 5 modes covering Digital style sharpness…