Tag: bundle
Analog Obsession – NOS Bundle Tuba TuPre Kolin
Analog Obsession – NOS Bundle Tuba TuPre Kolin Here is NOS BUNDLE!All tube based plugins from same…
Steady Pro Bundle
Steady Pro Bundle Steady Pro works as a smooth auto leveler, or see it as a expander/limiter with some…
Steady Pro Bundle
Steady Pro Bundle Steady Pro works as a smooth auto leveler, or see it as a expander/limiter with some…
Treasure free bundle v0.5.0
Treasure free bundle v0.5.0 Here is the free bundle it includes -an 8 voices stereo mixer,-a frequency…
Rock Hardbuns’ bundle – Effects
The file includes: Harsh Mistress:Brickwall Limiter. Envelope follower modeled after one Bram of SmartElectronix posted on musicDsp.org…
Freedound bundle v.6.0.2
The freesound bundle is a collection of vst/rtas/au, mac/windows plugins that i have developed while teaching at…
Nomad Free Bundle v.3.0
Nomad Factory FREE BUNDLE is a collection of 3 plug-ins processors. The bundle consists of: Free-Sweeper, Free-Tremolo…
Green Bundle
Wurr Audio Reverb: R1.1 (01.30.2005)A small and handy VST reverb (freeware) Wurr Audio Filtertüte: R1.1 (03.19.2005)2 band,…
Dead Duck Effects Bundle v1.0
A collection of 16 simple, ‘no-frills’, digital effect plugins: – AutoPan.– Channel.– Chorus.– Compressor.– Delay.– Equaliser.– Filter.–…
Thirty Two Audio Bundle
Multiband Expander is a Multiband expander that is dependent on the program material. Stereo Audio/MIDI Gate is a plug-in…