Sweep Filter

Sweep By Lese

“Sweep is an effect that filters.

Utilizing the same algorithms that sound designers use to create shephard tones / risset filters, Sweep uses a bunch of filters to make your sound feel like it’s rising (or falling) endlessly.

In Sweep’s case, the left and right channels can be split and controlled separately for a more complex, stereo aware sweeping effect.

Sweep is available as a free to download VST / AU plugin for both Windows and Mac platforms.

  • Curve-based band amplitude control
  • Optimized peak / notch filter array DSP (up to 16 bands per channel)
  • Distribution function, allowing for linear distribution of bands
  • Fractal noise-based frequency randomization system
  • Vectorized, resizable interface
  • Windows: VST3
  • OSX (Intel / ARM): VST3, AU”

Visit: Sweep

Author: freevst

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