Stolon is a 3 low CPU parallel pitch shifter.
It can be used as a classic effect and / or like a polyphonic instrument driven by the midi keyboard usefull for harmony and choir effect.
Large range effect can be set :
- Robotizer.
- Vocodizer.
- Chorus.
- Vibrato.
- Harmonizer.
- Pitch-Shifter.
SYNC: Synchronize all sub-components. (automaticly when changing patch).
- GLOBAL/SHFT: Common pitch shifter for the 3 stereo channel.
- KB ENVELOPE: Only available when CHANNELx / KB is on.
- BG COLOR: Click on logo to randomize the background color.
- kb: keyboard tracking.
- lck: locked to plain value.
- sm: smooth (only available in FX mode).
- PDL: pre-delay (ms).
- FDBCK: feeback.
- SHAPE: Oscillator wave shape.
- HZ or BPM: Knob limit can be overriden through the text field.
- DEPTH: set the modulation amplitude. +24 SEMI tones.
- lck: locked to plain value.
- x : Left and right channel have their modulation inverted.
- WIDTH : phase shift.
- The steps generates something like an autotune effect when is applied to a sustained voice at low speed.