
Quiet Music – Healing lite

Healing lite is a singing bowls rompler.

Healing lite has been created from original 24-bit / 96kHz recordings of 2 Tibetan Bowls / Singing Bowls, 1 Rainstick and 1 Tibetan tingsha.
The instrument consists of 8 pads with the sound of a large and a medium bowl, struck with various intensities and 2 central pads with the sound of the Rainstick and the Tibetan tingsha, both central pads have several samples stacked in round robin mode.

  • 8 Singing Bowls samples at different intensity.
  • 2 layers with stacked sounds of Rainstick and Tibetan tingsha in round robin mode.
  • Gain controls per channel.
  • Pan controls per channel.
Author: freevst

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