PareQ – Paragraphic EQ is a 64-bit Windows VST3 (no MacOS). This EQ has a slightly different workflow from the typical modern device. I borrow some from older styles. The big differences are that you have to work a bit more by feel than “eyes” and the paragraphic bands are effectively asking you: What do you want to do? in each of the major frequency areas. Features -5 Paragraphic Bands (two switchable to Shelf) -2 Filters (HP + LP) -Dyn Circuit (kooky dynamic eq effect) -Spectrum View (switchable) -Nice Workflow The download can be free but if you use the PareQ I encourage you to go back to Ko-fi to pay what you feel is fair for the value you are getting as these tools take a lot of time and experience to build (and publish). 64-bit Windows VST3 only, no MacOS version. Support only via the YouTube video comments section. Download ONLY via this page and my Ko-fi page. If you do a Review or have one of those Free VST Sites, you must link to this page and/or my official site.