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Tilteq 3

Tilt EQ

Tilt EQ Tilt EQ is a linear tilt EQ with a single knob. This way the spectral balance of audio material can be changed very easily without…

Ivline 3

IV Line

IV Line IV Line is a 4 step synthesizer / sequencer.Select the pitch of each oscillator to create melodies, use the array of controls and filters…

Asine 2


A-sine A-sine is an simple synth it uses only sines nice for organs and fm sounds. Visit: A-sine

Exitixe 2


Exitixe Exitixe is a a spectral enhancer.It is based on the famous BBE Sonic Maximizer process. Not only an EQ, it phases the high harmonics (with…


protrekkr v2.5.4

protrekkr v2.5.4 protrekkr – Tracker program to create electronic music. ProTrekkr (formerly known as NoiseTrekker by Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius aka Arguru) is  a tracker…

Drx8r 1

DRX8R v.1.1

DRX8R v.1.1 A new and improved interface with reverb and compression, this new effect plugin is again designed primarily for drums, but can be used also…

Agr 3


Agr Agr is a MIDI sequence generator with variable number of steps, randomizer and curve generator. Visit: Agr