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beatassist – Gotcha

Gotcha Gotcha is a .sf2 player. It loads SoundFonts! Includes 3 soundfont banks. Chord player. Distortion station. LFO. Octave stepper Trancegate. Stereo delay. Chorus. Reverb.…

Analog Obsession – MPReq

MPReq MPReq is a vintage microphone preamp with two band fixed frequency program equalizer. True Component and Circuit Modeling. Re-drawing and designing original circuit carefully and emulated…


Apps BandLab – Music Making StudioBandLab Technologies n-Track Studio DAW: Make Musicn-Track Voloco: Auto Vocal Tune StudioRESONANT CAVITY Recording Studio Pro PlusGlauco recorder studionivil wilson…

Syntler – Oldigy

Oldigy Oldigy is a bit crusher that emulates the sound of low-resolution digital systems. With Oldygy you can emulate the sound of old samplers, game consoles, phones,…