LSGate is a sequential step gate.It can be used to add rythmic patterns to your audio or a…
killerGATE+ combines many synths elements into a handy multi-effects unit.It should be used as an insert effect. expanded GATE…
mgTriggerGate is a sequenced gate.Similar to the trancegate effect found in reFX’ Vanguard, it has a little 16…
Bob Perry Gate
The Bob Perry Gate is a noise gate with side chaining and the choice between 3 distinct algorithms. 3…
Moot is a flexible audio mute plugin with a number of additional features. The aim is to have a…
Neon Gate
Neon Gate is a programmable rhythm gate.It synchronizes to the host BPM, the effect is often used in…
Shen is a noise gate equaliser. Threshold Level. Attack Level. Fade Level. EQ Balance Level. Output Level. Midi…
StormGate1 is a rhythmic gate that lets you shape audio with amplitude patterns.Patterns can be freely drawn by hand…
GGate is a noise gate which silences the incoming signal once it drops below a user-defined threshold.This kind of…
ReaGate is an advanced gating processor. Ultra-configurable gate. Sidechain filters, sidechain input. Lookahead for pre-open. Hold control. Hysteresis…
T-Force Trance Gate
T-Force Trance Gate is a trance gate for rhythmic gate effects triggered by a full envelope controlled step sequencer.With…
Tonmann DeEsser
Tonmann DeEsser is a basic high frequency dynamic processor called DeEsser. It’s mainly designed to get rid of…
Noise Gate
Noise gate is a mono noise gate, mainly designed for guitar.Use it for audio noise reduction before or…
Gater is a stereo trance gate effect. 16th–note trance gate. 2 envelope shapes. Gate pattern randomise button. Stereo input—output….
VeeDeeS is a de-esser designed to reduce sibilant consonants present in human voice.Phonemes like “S”, “Z”, “SH” and similar…
A1TriggerGate A1TriggerGate is a Sequenced Gate plugin to chop up any incoming audio signal.\This plugin synchronizes to the host…
EnveLover is a one-of-a-kind midi-controlled audio gate effect.It will speed up your musical workflow by giving you the ability…
SpectGate splits the signal into 16 band and applies a noise gate to each band. Start/Finish Freq – Freqency…
scuzzphut6 v2.0
Scuzzphut6 – free VST effect plugin featuring a flexible trance-gate and two delay lines, each with it’s own filter…
Renegate free
Renegate free is a full-band gate plug-in. It has an always smooth, natural sound, and is quick to operate.Renegate free…