N2CC N2CC converts the velocity or pitch of MIDI notes to MIDI CC controller values within a pre-defined range.This allows you to create some unconventional MIDI effects…
Uniwave Uniwave v2 is based on a substractive architecture but it have also some FM capababilities. A few unusual controls permiting to tweak and bend your own sound.…
Bubbler Bubbler simulates a ball bouncing against the walls of a box to create sounds. Xlen – x dimension of box , increasing this lowers the pitch.…
Blaster Ray gun noise maker. 1 oscillator (sine, square, saw, tri, noise, halfsine, trisaw) ADSR Amp envelope LFO speed and depth controls Onboard ping-pong delay 16…
Atlas Atlas is an analog drum module. 6 analog drumsounds. Parameter editing. Midi input for keyboard playing. Visit: Atlas
HS9 HS9 is a hi-hat cymbal sampler. 2 stereo samplers. Mute group. Pitch control. 2 envelope types for each part. Decay control for each part. Level…
ATKExpander ATKExpander is an expander / noise-gate based on the Audio Toolkit.
Acquitxx11 Acquitxx11 is a FM synth. 4 note polyphonic. 4 oscillators. 2 phasers . 2 flangers. 16 lead and bass sounds. Visit: Acquitxx11
dBounce dBounce is an auto pan. It controls the pan position and volume levels of each stereo channel using points which can move automatically by controlled…