Mark Mrakovcic – Svarog
Svarog Svarog is a cinematic scrap metal percussion instrument. Features a built-in sequencer to create instant rhythms.
ViatorDSP – Bedroom Compressor
Bedroom Compressor Bedroom Compressor is a a diode bridge-based compressor. This compressor has some great features like a…
Flandersh Tech – PlayMate
PlayMate PlayMate is a simple FM synthesizer inspired by the world of toys. It is able to generate a…
Saschart – 3Sampler
3Sampler 3Sampler is a WAV / SFZ / OGG sampler for those who want to save their resources using…
Adam Monroe Delay
Adam Monroe Delay Adam Monroe’s Delay. Time, Feedback, And Mix Knobs. Synced Panning. Linear And Exponential High Pass….
ViatorDSP – Marauder
Marauder Marauder is a bitcrusher distortion. This plugin can absolutely crunch the audio into oblivion or subtly bit-reduce…
Mod Sound – More
More More is a one-knob distortion plugin with too many knobs. Just turn the big knob to get more….
Mainliner Mainliner is designed specifically for big nasty dnb basslines. effect: Chorus, Drive possibility to adjust and modulate…
Kern Kern is a polyphonic synthesizer designed to run with and to be fully controlled by modern MIDI keyboard…
easy-synth 02
easy-synth 02 Easy-synth 02 is a 3 Osc analog synth. 3 Osc – 6 waves – tuning (oct-note-fine)-Low-Band-Pass-Filter…
Rock Rock is a distortion synth using 2 oscillators and filters which uses lots of shaping options and effects…
SunVox v1.6
SunVox v1.6 SunVox is a small, fast and powerful music sequencer with modular synthesizers. Available for desktop PC (Windows,…
Kronos Kronos 2 oscillators with sync, FM and tuning 2 LFOs 1 envelope 1 resonant filter 1…
Pulsar 4
Pulsar 4 Pulsar 4 6 voices polyphonic. 2 oscillators from 1 to 4 voices for very fats…
Sonatina Glockenspiel
Sonatina Glockenspiel Sonatina Glockenspiel is a sampled glockenspiel from the Sonatina Orchestra public domain library.
RIPSNORTER RIPSNORTER is a analog synth, featuring Chris Kerry’s excellent Unison Oscillator, which include PWM on all waveforms…
TAL-Reverb II
TAL-Reverb II TAL-Reverb-II is a free stereoplate reverb. TAL-Reverb II is an improved version of the successfully TAL-Reverb…
Analog Obsession – PEDALz
PEDALz PEDALz is a 5 in 1 drive pedal. 5 models (old plugins combined). Pre-TONE control to shape…
Martinheterjag – Wave folder
Wave folder Wave folder is a waveshaping distortion. It is inspired by west coast modular synths like Buchla…
Fanan Team – Scandiclavia 2
Scandiclavia 2 Scandiclavia 2 is a bigger and richer successor to the first Scandiclavia virtual analog nordish organ model….