NuCLeoDoM Free
NuCLeoDoM offers sequencing, shaping, phasing and distorting at the sound core, for cutting thru rhythmic and driving synth lines.
- 1x ADSR.
- 1x Master gain.
- 1x Filter section (multiband select).
- 1x Nippy Baynes waveshaper OSC.
- 1x Multi waveforms OSC (Sine,Saw, Triangle,Square,Noise).
- 1x Full-on Random/Manual Draw Sequencer (-12/12 range).
- 1x Shift pattern (left/right).
- 1x Sequencer speed selector (normal/Half).
- 1x Random sequence button.
- 8 Lock ‘n’ Recall pattern memory slots.
- 1x Master Detune.
- 1x Multi FX section (Phazer/flanger/chorus/stereo widener/3d spacialiser/delay).
- 1x Random FX button.
Visit: NuCLeoDoM Free