Mormox Imitate
Mormox Imitate is an emulation of a new hardware synth from Greece, called Murmux Initate.
- 2 OSC with Saw and Pulse, 2 Octave Tuner-knobs and FM-Modulation (Osc1 > Cutoff).
- Sub-oscillator (one Octave lower as Osc1) with Pulsewave.
- Combined Lowpass-Bandpass-Filter with Cutoff and Resonance and ADSR EG.
- LFO with Rate and Depth Pots for Oscillator or Cutoff Modulations.
- Special ADSR EG with embedded LFO/Loop (Ramp and S/H waves), the Sustain-pot regulates the intensity. Targets are the Amplifier, Oscillator Tuning or Cutoff .
- Delay section with Pan-LFO > Glide and > warm Shaper/Overdrive.
- Monophonic.
- 18 patches.
Visit: Mormox Imitate