Monster Crab Clipper
Monster Crab Clipper is the perfect Mastering Soft Clipper for your track.
Using peak clipping, Monster Crab Clipper provides another option of getting transparent loudness during the mastering stage, before the final limiting process. Other than dynamics, Monster Crab Clipper also adds pleasant harmonic distortion, giving the track more warmth, personality and depth. Use it to your advantage and be creative!
Monster Crab Clipper features 2 main knobs: “Gain” controls the input volume, while “Output” controls the output volume after the clipping has been applied. Another 2 smaller knobs are added to allow more control: “Slope” changes how soft/hard the clipper is, while “Oversample” is used to give a cleaner signal with less aliasing. When “Oversample” is turned on, you may turn down the output knob in order to compensate to the loudness increase due to more sonic detail added to the sound.
Software Requirements:
Windows (64-bit only): VST3
macOS (64-bit only): VST3, AU