LARAS | Audio plugins for free


  • music theory | Standalone

    “LARAS (means Music Scale in Javanese language), is a free (and soon to be open source) tool that can be used as:

    • Music composition tool.
    • Music scale learning tool.
    • Major/minor motion composition learning tool.
    • Circle of 5th based composition learning tool.
    • Music learning/teaching tool.
    • Musical “typewriter”.
    • Chord generator/chorder.
    • Fingering for Keyboard, Guitar and Ukulele learning tool.
    • Database of chord progressions.
    • …. or just another tool to waste your time with 175 scales, 74 chord types, more than 500 common progression, 100 free form progressions, progressions from 1,000 songs (many of them share the same chord progression off-course) using more than 1,200 playing patterns.

    LARAS is developed using Java Development Kit and JFugue, an open source programming library to program music in the Java programming language by David Koelle. Soon after the refactoring process is completed, it will be released as open source project.

    In relation to that, the third tab of Music Theory in the main area of the program is intended to be placeholder for information on basic music theory. It can be considered as an invitation to the community to contribute to this project by developing a simple/concise music theory document to help users. This Music Theory section has nothing to do with the functionality of the program, as it will contain only information on music theory.

    To install, just unzip the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the README.TXT in getting and installing the required Java Runtime Environment.”

    Visit: LARAS

    Author: freevst

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