Sshot Responder


Sshot Responder


ktmidi-ci-tool is a full-featured, cross-platform MIDI-CI controller and testing tool for Android, Desktop and Web browsers. You can use this application to connect your MIDI-CI device via the platform MIDI API. It will be useful when you are inspecting MIDI-CI features on your apps and/or devices.

ktmidi-ci-tool supports Discovery on a pair of MIDI connections, Profile Configuration, Property Exchange, and Process Inquiry (MIDI Message Report).

On Desktop and Android it provides its own virtual MIDI ports so that another MIDI-CI client device app that does not provide MIDI ports can still connect to this tool and get MIDI-CI experience.

MIDI-CI controller tool cannot be used by itself and it requires some basic understanding on how MIDI-CI features work. See our dedicated blog post on how to use it:

(For now, it is limited to MIDI 1.0 devices.).

ktmidi-ci-tool is also available on Web browsers, using Web MIDI API. You can try it from here:

Author: freevst

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