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Kaleido Sampler 64/128 & M u l t i K a leido Player 64

Kaleido Sampler 64/128 & M u l t i K a leido Player 64

It is a kind os sample mangler and granular processor where each fragment or grain can be sent to a different outputn up to 128!
– processes one input channel or a mono wave file (4 in the Multi version)
– variable number of simultaneous fragments (polyphony) up to 128
– two versatile Modulators
– user defined shape modulator
– output mode: Straight (like the old versions) or Panned (smoother but heavier on the resources)
– enhanced Instant Gesture with recording and playback modes
– 64 channels delay + resonator (not in the 128 channels version)
– direct MIDI controllers modulations
– Instant Gesture section to record and play in various ways 2D gestures that can control the sample pitch, the fragments time position, the grain rate and the spatial output
The MultiKaleidoPlayer can load four wave files that are played in layers. They can be independantly shifted in time, and they can be crossfaded with the Spatial and the Trigger Modulators as well as the Gesturizer, bringing a new level in multichannel sample mangling!
See also the previous 32 bits KaleidoPlayer 64 which sounds somewhat different and supports very long samples.

Visit: Kaleido Sampler 64/128 & M u l t i K a leido Player 64

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