Guitar Gadgets is a compilation of “false” analog pedal models, doing strange, weird, ugly but fun sounds.
It is made to be used with an electric guitar and a guitar amp simulation, but you can use it with whatever you want.
Included effects are:
- Delay Attack: a delay effect which can be controlled by the way you attack the guitar strings.
- Super Phazer: a modulated phaser effect.
- Niagara Falls: a bathroom / cathedral / Niagara Falls – like reverberation effect.
- The Crusher: an effect which brings only destruction and annihilation.
- Larsenator: a false larsen generator thanks to distortion and feedback.
- Combulator: a modulated comb filter effect.
- Miaou Miaou pedal: it’s like a Wah Wah pedal, but it does “Miaou Miaou” instead.
- Microcassette: a tape recorder emulation, going a little too far maybe.
- Slicer: an effect which slices the sound from the guitar at any specified rate.
- Filtrator: a filter pedal effect like.
- Convolutor: a gadget to convolute weird sounds.
- Marshallizer : a guitar amp tonestack simulation.
- Little Leslie : an emulation of a rotating Leslie speaker.