


GanGsta is a drum samplerwith 5 .wav slots, including a 374 .wav samples library.

Despite only having 5 .wav sounds per patch, this instrument has a wide range of drum effects configuration.

  • Fine (+3/-3 octs), where you may tune freely.
  • Octave Snap (+3/-3 octs), where you may snap each octave.
  • Semi snap (11 note range), where you may tune the semitones.

Every slot has a Forward/Reverse option, a Loop option that will repeat the sample over the note size in the piano roll of your DAW, Stereo Widening option that will spread the sample into a big wide range, ADSR Amp Envelope control and Filter (LP/BP/HP/Notch) with Mix control.

. All samples may have connected an independent Stereo Delay effect with both Right and Left gains, free or sync delay from 4 bars to 1/16 including dotted and triplets, and an independent Reverb with Size and Mix Presence control.

Author: freevst

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