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Samsaracycleaudio Esp1 3
SamsaraCycleAudio ESP1 3


ESP1 is an enhanced soundfont player.

  • Independant Volume Control for Left and Right Output
  • Velocity Selector Switch
  • Independant Filter Section for Left and Right Output:Filter Selectors,cutoff – Resonance Level Controls
  • Soundfont Quality Selector
  • Portamento Section
  • Tuner Section:Octave Selector,fine Tune with Zero Function
  • Mono / Poly Note Selector
  • Independent Left and Right Output Delay Effect
  • AM Modulation Section:Wave Selector,speed,depth
  • LFO Section:Wave Selector,speed,depth
  • Mod Wheel
  • Pitch Bend Wheel
  • Envelope Section:Attack,decay,sustain,release

Visit: ESP1

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