Eclipsis is hybrid wavetable synthesizer with 3 oscillators each with his own frequency and subtractive modulation.
Additional modulation possible with 6 LFO assignable trough modulation matrix with 9 sources and 39 modulation targets. Arp/Gate (Dynamics) module with abillity to assign routing to 7 targets. Two effects racks, each containing Reverb, Chorus and Delay effect. Unique preset randomization, subpreset saving/loading for easy preset creation and more.
- Preset manager.
- Complex preset randomization.
- Subpreset saving/loading for easy preset creation/modyfication.
- Main aplitude control.
- Polyphony / voice selector (up to 32 voices).
- Portamento (glide).
- 3 independent oscillators each with route output, detune, phase offset, scope, ADSR, smoothing control (1 pole LP filter), pan and amplitude control.
- 118 Waveshapes and 3 additional tools to adjust base Waveshape (increase total number of final shapes to 1888).
- FM modulation with selectable input signal source (Frequency, Pitch, Velocity), detune, waveshaper, scope, smoothing (1 pole LP filter) and amplitude control.
- Subtractive modulation with 17 Filter types, cutoff modulation with selectable input signal source (Frequency, Pitch, Velocity), detune, waveshaper, ADSR, scope, smoothing (1 pole LP filter) and amplitude control.
- mod matrix with amplitude controls, 9 input sources and 39 mod targets.
- 6 LFOs.
- 2 Effect rack each with Reverb, Chorus/Flanger and Delay (syncable to host) effect.
- Arp/Gate module with 8 selectable targets, adjustable number of Steps (4-32), frequency control and divider (example: divide one 32 step pattern to 2 patterns with 16 steps), playback control (Forward, Forward and hold, Backward, Backward and hold, Ping Pong /Forward-Backward/).
- Arp module section for semitones (+/-1 octave range) and for octaves (+/- 5 octaves range, pattern randomization, shift, load and save.
- Gate module with smoothing controls, randomization.
Visit: Eclipsis