Category: Wavetable
Wavetable synthesis is fundamentally based on periodic reproduction of an arbitrary, single-cycle waveform.[6] In wavetable synthesis, some method is employed to vary or modulate the selected waveform in the wavetable. The position in the wavetable selects the single cycle waveform. Digital interpolation between adjacent waveforms allows for dynamic and smooth changes of the timbre of the tone produced. Sweeping the wavetable in either direction can be controlled in a number of ways, for example, by use of an LFO, envelope, pressure or velocity.
Pneuma Pro
Pneuma Pro Pneuma Pro is a polyphonic synthesizer for EDM and all genres of music that features:…
Harmonaut Harmonaut use additive synth with 4 waveform types and 32 harmonics that can be drawn with the mouse….
Tenacity Opulent Audio’s 2 OscMonophonic Monster ! Two sample-based oscillators with 35 available waveforms. Each oscillator has it’s own…
Defiant WT
Defiant WT Defiant WT is a wavetable based synthesizer. It provides wavetable, additive and subtractive synthesis and is…
Isis Isis is a multiwave synthesizer. 2 Oscillators with 64 Waves each. Keyboard control of oscillator waves can…
Anawave Anawave is a hybrid analog/wavetable synth.The waveform oscillators allow you to draw, import, and export waveforms. I…
Occam EVM Occam is a dual channel wavesample synthesizer.Download includes both Occam Extended and Occam SE versions. 2…
SYNTHSVST InstrumentsWavetable
OC-10 OC-10 OC-10 is a waveform memory synthesizer. Polyphonic (4 Voices). 2 Envelopes (ADS, Hold). Auto pitch bend.
Addtractive Addtractive is a dual wavetable / unison synthesizer. 2 wavetable oscillators with 135 waveforms in each. Waves can…
Noisy Noisy is a 3 osc waveforms synthesizer. 3 oscillators with 64 waveforms. Every osc has a shaper…
Steam Steam uses prepared wav files in a similar manner to some Waldorf and Ensoniq synthesizers.I have been…
Anvilia Pro
Anvilia Pro Anvilia is a wavetable synthesizer.At the first glance quite simple but highly efficient for even complex…
Analog Galaxy
Analog Galaxy is vintage style ROM synthesis synthesizer with extended possibilites of modulation.It has 4 types of analog style…
Sporesound – Graphite
Graphite is a wavetable synthesizer.You can use wavetables with 2048 samples in wav format, for example you can…
Sugar Audio – Sawrizor Lite
Sawrizor Lite is an all-round wavetable / saw synthesizer that combines 2 high quality saw oscillators. By mixing different…
PPV Medien – SawSage Lite
SawSage Lite is a wavetable synthesizer. This synthesizer is suitable for current electronic music such as EDM, house,…
Full Bucket Music – WhispAir
WhispAir is a wavetable synthesizer. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU…
easy-V-syn o1
Easy-V-syn o1 is a vintage wavetable synth. 4 Oscilators 2 x 34 waves 2 x 5 waves lp-bp-filter…