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Category: Synthesizer


synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.


Spread the love                 Funxion Funxion is a hybrid synthesizer with user definable functions for waveforms and distortion. 3 oscillators with standard VA and custom waveshapes using mathematical…


Spread the love                 5-SC 5-SC is a single oscillator analog synthesizer.  Single oscillator. Octave selector . LFO Mod Controls for Pitch, Filter, Amp. Portamento Control. Tune (double click…


Spread the love                 Burque Burque combines phase distortion, subtractive synthesis & waveshaping to create synth-bass sounds. MONO MODE: when on, the instrument will be monophonic. RETRIGGER retriggers…


Spread the love                 FB-3300 FB-3300 simulates the KORG PS-3300 polyphonic synthesizer from 1977.It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Close emulation…