Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
Sprike is an extended variant of Tunefish4, the virtual analog synth originally created by Brain Control.We made…
Cathedral Listen to the audio demonstrations for Cathedral below. If no audio player is displayed you may…
GTG K1.3
GTG K1.3 A remake of the K1. Some minor enhancements. Better filter controls. Added a damp function…
DSK BlueZ – 2 Oscillator with 134 waveforms and wavedraw option– Sub oscillators– Advanced filters– LFO routing…
KaoS – 3 Oscillators, ADSR, “FREE DRAW” mode– Octave select and micro-detuner– 3 aux. oscillators, wafeform control–…
DSK OranZe
DSK OranZe – 2 OSC, 135 waveforms*– Phase mod.– Amp. envelope– Octave selector and microtuning– 2 multi-mode…
Bazz Murda
Bazz Murda Bazz Murda Free is a bass/kick synthesizer. It is aimed at hard electronic music like hardcore,…
Orch Strings
Orch Strings is a string machine synthersizer. 16 Patches Single Panel Synth. 6 Saw Oscillators. Octave, Semi tone and…
Windows Downloads Stringer is an emulation of classic string synths: Eminent 310.Mellotron. Arp string ensemble. Crumar Performer. Korg…
Easy-Mr. Stringer
easy-mr. stringer is a string synth. 2 Oscilators ( 2 X 17 various String-Waves). 5 Octave-tuning and Level….
Selena is a downsized version Horus, focused on the string machine aspect. 32 voices polyphonic. 2 oscillators: 8′ and…
Alpha-Ray is a three oscillator per voice, 10 voice polyphonic VA synthesizer. This instrument has an inbuilt…
GSi VariSpeed
GSi VariSpeed GSi VariSpeed is a new plugin that GSi offers free of charge to everybody. It’s a…
Revitar 2
Revitar 2 Revitar 2 is a guitar synthesizer and can produce a wide variety of guitar sounds and…
JEM SX1000
JEM SX1000 is a vintage emulating monosynth based on Jen Sx1000 hardware synth. It features a single oscillator…
Get the infamous Supersaw sound with this special gift to the 7th years anniversary of CFA-Sound –…
Night Flight
“Night Flight” is a VSTi plug-in for the Windows platform emulating the analogue string ensemble keyboards invented…
Keys of the 70s
Keys of the 70’s is a Keyboard wave synthesizer. It can play any type of samples. The sample banks…
Wollo FMERA Wollo FMERA combines FM style sounds with a Wave player. It includes one dedicated single stereo…